SSL Certificates: Explained
In the past, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol has primarily been required for E-Commerce and online transactions. More recently, however, search engine algorithm changes by Google have pushed SSL Certificates into the forefront for websites of every kind – even those that are simply informational.
Websites will need to add SSL to ensure the highest levels of security and adherence to current web standards. A secure site creates a trust with website visitors and can contribute to your customer conversion rate. Google is also ranking websites based on their security – making it possible for non-secured websites to be demoted in the search engine results.
This important security technology establishes an encrypted link between servers and client computers – or in the case of the web, between websites and their visitors, customers, administrators and anyone else who logs in to manage the website. SSL secures e-commerce transactions across the globe every day. Confidential personal and/or financial information is constantly at risk without the protection of a powerful security protocol.
SSL Certificates are applied to websites in a manner that creates a secure, encrypted transmission of all website data and traffic. SSL is required for running an e-commerce platform and accepting online payments and is now highly recommended by Google for every website to be as secure and competitive online. Check your favorite shopping space, Ebay, Amazon, Ebates among others and you will find a padlock in the top address bar to indicate they are protected by SSL – indicated as HTTPS in a web address.
This encryption protects your website data from Wi-Fi hackers, Malware/Ransomware intrusions, and transaction fraud. SSL must authenticate and verify ownership of the domain for which it will be applied. Once the set-up is complete, the domain is fully verified and can run on the much more secure HTTPS protocol web address.
If you don’t currently run HTTPS on your website or would like more information about SSL Certificates, Contact Us with your questions. Serpentine offers SSL Certificates and can install and configure everything you need to keep your data secure. Serpentine can provide and configure SSL Certificates for any website at a reasonable annual cost.