Unique Fonts and Typography
It can be easy to underestimate the impact fonts and typography have in your Web site; however, they can sometimes speak louder than words themselves. They can speak even louder than images. Perhaps this should not come as a surprise, since text usually makes up the majority of a Web site. Fonts and typography tie together both verbal language – the literal meaning of the text, and visual language – the appearance of the text. Appearance has the ability to greatly influence meaning, for typography can convey a meaning in and of itself. Typography enhances the message conveyed by the text.
Fonts affect people psychologically, subconsciously. They communicate visually. Web designers take advantage of this by knowing what fonts to utilize, where and when. By making particular text a certain color, size, or weight, a statement can be made.
Fonts are also able to incite recognition. For example, the Coca-Cola, Disney, and Harry Potter fonts are easily recognizable by most people. This goes to show just how much choosing the right font can aid your brand. Custom typefaces can help you to stand out from the crowd.
Typography can affect how a site is perceived by visitors by adding character to the design and content, also influencing mood affecting the overall feel of the site. It can leave a strong impression upon a site visitor, so it is important to choose a font that invokes a positive reaction. This is your opportunity to give your Web site the chance to engage visitors.
Fonts and typography allows for creativity in your Web site. They can help to make the content on your site look more attractive. They can even affect the credibility of your Web site. For example, more formal or sophisticated fonts will make your Web site appear more professional and, therefore, trustworthy. It should be noted that many fonts already have a particular idea associated with them.
Typography can also create and maintain a sense of consistency. It can help to guide site visitors through content. It is important that the amount of different fonts used are kept to a minimum, for a mixture of very dissimilar fonts can lead to your web site looking disorganized, mismatched, and confusing. It should be easy for visitors to find the information that they are looking for. If a particular line, phrase, or word is more important that the text surrounding it, then it would advisable to consider increasing its size or weight, changing its color to a bolder shade or a different one altogether, or modifying the type style in order to emphasize its importance. Utilizing fonts and typography properly can truly distinguish your web site and give you a competitive edge across the web.